Create interactivearrow pushingexercises

Help students reinforce critical organic chemistry
concepts with engaging interactive content

Woman with laptop


Create exercises tailored to your module


Use the drop-and-drop editor to specify each step of the mechanism


Easily share with students, so they can practice on any browser


View real time data on student content engagement

Intuitive Editor

Drag and drop atoms, create bonds, and specify curly arrows. Create a prompt for the reaction. Ochem then generates the student interaction, with feedback for each arrow they draw.

Editing screen illustrating feature

Exercise collections

Group mechanisms into sections. Control which sections and reactions are visible to students. Students can keep track of their progress.

Screenshot of excercise collections

Engagement Analytics

You don't want to spend time creating study aids that students never use. With Ochem, you can see how many students are accessing content.

Editing screen illustrating feature

Ready to dive in?Ochem is free!